ALP monthly report April 2023



Confusion in Politics, Chaos in Economy!


After months of tensions between people and the system over social rights which started in September 2022, the weeks ending the Persian year, 20th of March, leaned toward the economical aspects of life in Iran. Dollar started strengthening against Rial from October, creating a hype in every investable market, from hard cash dollars, to gold coin and real estate. Although the extreme fluctuations have become more stable in these markets during the last two month, this hype affects every aspect of daily life for Iranian population, but unlike expectations, the decrease of purchasing power didn’t amplify the unrests around the country. However, this calmness in the streets can hardly be translated into a peace pact between the system and people, there has been no sign of flexibility from the system on the social rights, however people specially women are holding the fortress in the streets by disregarding hejiab. It should be seen how this powerplay play out in the end, as this is the longest out-in-the-open opposition display by people, post revolution in 1979...


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